What is Easter?

I was asked to answer that question briefly, which will be a problem as Easter is at the core of my faith, and every Sunday we celebrate Easter.  In fact, Easter is why Christians moved worship to Sunday while Jews still worship on Saturday, the Sabbath.

Sunday was originally the day of rest, but it became the day of Jesus’s Resurrection from the grave after His Crucifixion on the Cross.  The day set apart for rest [see Genesis 2:2-3; Exodus 20:8-11] became the day of God’s greatest work.

On Good Friday, Jesus Christ paid the price for your sin.  The judgment and penalty that came with sin was cancelled by Christ’s sacrifice.  His righteousness was then imputed to all who would believe.

However, God is merciful and gracious.  He did not stop with simply providing the remedy for our sin.  Instead, the Father raised His Son from the grave and opened up to us the hope of a new life.

Easter is the day of God’s greatest gift to the world.  He gives us the opportunity to be daughters and sons of the Most High.  Nothing shall separate us from the love of God found in Christ Jesus.  We are built for eternal fellowship, and the Resurrection of Christ from the grave opens the door for us to step into a relationship that will lead us there.

Easter gives us a new life today as much as for Eternity.  Easter says that we can start living out that new life now.  That hope is not for a future reward but for a changed existence today that impacts this world.  Easter impresses upon us the joy of serving the Lord in the here and the now.  As Christ has changed us, so we can then go by the power of the Holy Spirit and change the world by impacting our home, our neighborhood, our culture, and this world.

Easter shines a light that casts away shadows and fears and any darkness.  Easter gives us a new life to be lived in confidence for we too shall one day rise and live eternally with our Savior.  Easter is our hope and our joy.

I pray you know those blessings now and always.

With Resurrection hope and power,
Pastor Randall