Upcoming Worship November
In a year filled with a pandemic, economic upheaval, and riots in the streets of our nation, we can use something to celebrate. If you read the first couple of the pastor’s pages, you would see how much I celebrate you my church family. Even with- out the gifts and well wishes, I would be celebrating you.
In a year, where church attendance has de- creased, we need to recognize how blessed we are. God has indeed been generous to us. Even though this is a year where the faithful have been shaken, we are still standing. Thankfully, we stand on the solid rock of Christ, the Chief Cornerstone who sustains us (Matthew 21:42).
Christ sustains us and upholds us. While 2020 has been difficult and many of us are looking forward to bidding it adieu, I believe we will be coming into a new season where we realize how much this year has taught us and caused us to grow in the Spirit. This is a time to sow seeds for a future harvest.
Our stewardship theme this year is Growing in Generosity, Rooted in Faith. In worship in November, we will look back and celebrate our roots, and we will look forward to growing upward to God while spreading our branches and caring for others in ministry while we bear fruit.
Come and worship. Come and celebrate. Come to be in the presence of God. At the end of the month, we will welcome a new Church year with the beginning of Advent. Hopefully, it will be the start of many great new beginnings in the days ahead.
01 November Communion
Remembrance/Memorial Sunday
Scripture: John 24:25-31
Romans 13:1-14
Sermon: Give Respect and Honor
08 November Stewardship Kick-Off
Scripture: Colossians 2:6-7
Luke 11:1-13
Sermon: Give Good Gifts
15 November Stewardship Sunday
Scripture: Ephesians 3:14-21
John 6:15-21
Sermon: Knowing the Right Response
Another reading to consider
II Samuel 11:1-15
22 November Thanksgiving Sunday
Christ the King Sunday
Scripture: Ezekiel 34:11-24
Ephesians 1:11-23
Sermon: Following Christ our King
29 November First Sunday of Advent
Pastor Vacation Suggested scripture and theme
Scripture: Isaiah 64:1-9
Mark 13:24-37
Sermon: Prepare Us for the Day