Trick or Treat Maze
November 2 from 3:30- 5 PM
The church will be having an Indoor Trick or Treat Maze on Satrurday, November 2 from 3:30—5:00 PM following the parade in town.
The committee is asking for volunteers of individuals or families to be in front of different decorated doors inside the “L” shape corridor from the East door entrance to the North door Sunday School rooms door. We have 10 inside spots available. Please sign up at the back of the sanctuary if you would like an inside spot to pass out candy. We are also asking that you decorate your door as well if you are able. If not able, we will decorate for you. Please indicate on the sign –up sheet as to whether or not you will decorate. You can come early that evening (would like them done by 6) or during the office hours that day from 9-1.
If you still want to park outside with your car as in the past, cars must arrive no later than 6:00 PM. And must stay parked until 8:00 PM for the safety of the children. All other participants are asked to park in the South parking lots.
Donations of candy WELCOMED! A bin will be placed in the back of the sanctuary for candy donations!
If you have any questions, please contact Mark Sherman, Heather Erwin or the church office.