Family Ministry – July

Youth Ministry

Wednesday Youth– We had out last Wednesday night with this group but reminded them about HCC meeting each month. I did have a few that came back and helped with the volunteer dinner. They helped served and with clean up.
HCC– The end of June there is a small group attending the retreat @Cedarville, June 26-30, 2023. Our Church has no Youth attending this camp. Our next get together is in July.

Kids Ministry

Sunday School– Sunday School continues to meet twice a month, sometimes I am covering Nursery as well so we just have the class upstairs in the Nursery. I have been putting in the newsletter the Sundays that we have them.
Wednesday Kids– We ended the year with close to 30 kids some week. (including youth) This means we were making 3 trips for pick up. It was rough at times but we made it work. We will begin back in September after Fair week.
Nursery– We have had a few kiddos attending the nursery and Autum does a fantastic job with them.


VBS– The date is set! August 14th-17th 5-7:30pm.
VBS will take place in the Fellowship Hall, we will decorate the Main entrance and then the Fellowship Hall… But we are going to come up with a different set up, so it differs from Wednesday Nights. This is some-thing that we have talked about but still planning and changing as well.
The VBS curriculum is from Grow. It will be a 4 day, Monday-Thursday.
We will need volunteers! A few of my Wednesday night helpers have volunteered to help this week.
Volunteer Dinner– After our last Wednesday Night I wanted everyone to know how much I appreciate them helping and them giving their time knowing and showing each child that they are loved. I had 101 Smoke-house catered in with pulled pork, mac n cheese, bake beans. They also had salads and peanut butter pie for dessert. We have a great group that helps each year, continue to pray for this group.
Back 2 School Bash– I have been meeting with the area Churches on this year’s event. We plan to follow the same plan as last year as we all believed it worked out great. We will have 5 inflatables this year at the event. There is 6 Churches willing to help with the cost of these. Once divided each Church will donate $175. For the school supplies we are trying to put something together so the list gets out sooner, so more people can help. Last year it was kind of last minute from the whole group, which left all the Church groups purchasing most of the school supplies. This year the plan is to get as much donated as possible.
Churches involved- St. Johns, New Hope, Kenton Christian Missionary Alliance, Kenton First, Abundant Life, Nazarene, Kenton Full Gospel.

The month of June, I will also be working on getting the Church closets organized for the start up in September, and VBS items.

I plan to take July off, like the last few years. I will still attend meetings and answer to calls/texts and etc.