Preaching Series July 2021
Preaching Series
In July, we continue to have sermons on topics suggested by members of our church. There are still a few slots availa- ble if you would like to share something. The idea for the sermon could start with a topic, a question, or a scripture that you would like to learn more about. You can share a lot of detail or a little to get the ball rolling. At the conclusion of the summer series, there will be a sermon series on the char- acteristics of a healthy and vibrant church according the Bible, which will lead us into our times of remembering the saints who have gone to be with the Lord, stew- ardship, and thanksgiving. The calendar year will end with the start of a new church year, which begins 28 November with the first Sunday of Advent. Advent and Christmas will carry to the end of 2021. Please pray over these scriptures and top- ics as God speaks into the church here at St. John’s by His Word and by the Holy Spirit.
04 July
Exodus 18:1-27
Galatians 6:1-2
Sermon Serving Together
11 July
II Kings 4:42-44
John 6:1-15
Sermon The Leftovers
18 July
57th Psalm
Isaiah 38:1-8
Sermon The Diagnosis
25 July Pastor’s Continuing Education 01 August
Numbers 23:18-24
Titus 1:5-16
Sermon Above Reproach