Preaching Series January 2021

In my opening pages, I wrote about 2020 being difficult and focused on COVID. Another major topic of 2020 was the social unrest within our nation and around the world. From different areas, we heard calls for justice and reform. Sometimes those calls came with conflicting voices or goals in mind. Sometimes, calls for a more just society came along with violent protests.

Whatever your thoughts about the social upheaval, as Christians, we are called to build a more just society and to bring the kingdom of God to bear upon all aspects of our society and culture. As such, we cannot turn a deaf ear to the plaintive cries nor can we simply seek to create a society molded in our image. We are to be Christ-bearers in this regard—to bring His love and His justice.

To truly lead that conversation and work, we need to be grounded in a biblical view of justice. There are many places in scripture to which we could turn. The prophets are a good place to do that. Like us, they spoke to a people who were grounded in the Word and built a society based on scripture. Somewhere along the way, they had lost their way. In response, God raised up prophets to call people back and to pursue justice—God’s justice—so that their society could flourish.

Such flourishing was meant not only for God’s people as it was to impact the whole world. Likewise, our working for justice is not about demanding our rights but it’s about letting justice flow like mighty waters (Amos 5:24), covering, refreshing, and reshaping as it may.

May God’s justice reshape us into His people, and by extension, may His justice renew His Church and revive our nation.

03 January
Guest Preacher: Shannon Maier

10 January
Micah 1:1
I Corinthians 1:26-31
Matthew 11:25-30
Sermon: To Little Children

17 January
Micah 1:2-16
Matthew 11:20-24
Sermon: Woe to You

24 January
Micah 2:1-13
Matthew 11:16-19
Sermon: What Is This Generation Like?

31 January
Micah 3:1-12
Matthew 11:16-19
Sermon: Never Satisfied