First Sunday of Advent

Call to Worship/Lighting the Advent Wreath

9 For what thanksgiving can we return to God for you, for all the joy that we feel for your sake before our God, 10 as we pray most earnestly night and day that we may see you face to face and supply what is lacking in your faith? 

11 Now may our God and Father Himself, and our Lord Jesus, direct our way to you, 12 and may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, as we do for you, 13 so that He may establish your hearts blameless in holiness before our God and Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints.—I Thessalonians 3:9-13 

We light the first candle of HOPE.  We look forward as Paul did to blessed reunions and opportunities to come.  We continue to labor until those days are fulfilled.  We trust the Holy Spirit to guide our steps. 

Let us pray: O Father, as we light this candle, we hope for Your Son to come again in our midst.  Until He returns, strengthen our faith and strengthen all who call on Your name that Your people may have hearts established blameless in holiness before You.  May Your Spirit sanctify us for the day of Christ’s coming.  In His Name, Amen.