August Mission

St. John’s Church raised $740 for Rise FM Ohio which was their August Mission of the Month. Pictured are (from left) Mark Boyer, Founder & General Manager from Rise FM and Anna LaWarre, Chair of the Missions Committee and Church Council President. Rise FM Ohio is a Christian Radio station located in Bellefontaine which has

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Celebrate Recovery Meal Sign Up:

St. John’s supplies a meal for Celebrate Recovery twice a month. The meals is the second and Fourth Tuesday of each month for approximately 10-15 people. If you are able to provide food, please sign-up in the back of the sanctuary. Please have the food at the church at 6 pm in the kitchenette across

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Mending for Missions:

If you have something that needs to be mended, shortened, or taken in, Jane is sharing her gift. When the garment is finished, Jane will give you a “Mended for Missions” envelope to donate to the church.  You can decide the amount you’d care to give.  Jane Wyndham,

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