The Carl Lotz Scholarship was set up as a result of an amazing gift to St John’s
Evangelical Church. Funds were set aside to pay for scholarships to St John’s church members
furthering their education. St John’s believes in responsible stewardship and has opened up the
scholarship process to all students in Hardin County. The St John’s congregation believes in
furthering education, success and giving all glory to GOD. As stated in Colossians 3:23-24 “and
whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye
shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ”. St John’s wants to
assist dedicated individuals wishing to further educate themselves, in the field of their choice,
while remaining in GOD’s grace.

PURPOSE: To provide a scholarship to a Hardin County student or church member who plans
to further their education and/or training for their career.

ELIGIBILITY: Any individual that attends school or church within Hardin County is eligible to
receive this scholarship. Priority will be given to St John’s members, then other active church
members within the county. All applicants must complete the required steps and will be
screened by the scholarship committee members. Previous scholarship awardees must submit
a new application each year. You will not be guaranteed a renewal scholarship.

1) Complete the online application by 11:59 pm on April 22, 2022. Please answer all of the
following questions.
2) If you are a current student, an up-to-date transcript MUST be sent to the church office.
3) Letter of Recommendation. If you are an active Hardin County church member, a letter of
recommendation from a Pastor, Minister, Youth Minister, etc. MUST be sent to the church office.
If you are not an active church member, a letter of recommendation from a teacher, coach,
counselor or other mentor will be accepted.
All three of these steps must be completed and received by the church for consideration of this

COMPLETION DATE: April 22, 2022 by 11:59pm

SCHOLARSHIP VALUE: This is a $1000 scholarship that is renewable up to three times. All
applications will be screened by the committee to determine who is awarded the scholarship(s).
(Number of scholarships and amounts may vary year by year.)

Transcripts and letters of recommendation can be mailed, dropped off at the church or
sent to the scholarship email. Make sure your name is attached or documents are clearly
labeled for your benefit.

St John’s Evangelical Church
211 E Carroll St
Kenton, OH 43326

Click on the following link to fill out the application. If the link does not work, copy and paste in
the browser window.

St John’s scholarship committee would ask award winners to attend our worship service
so they can be recognized by the congregation. That date will be sent out to scholarship
awardees at a later time.

St John’s Evangelical Church and the scholarship committee members want to thank
you for your interest in this scholarship. Continue your life with honor and grace to have eternal
peace. Acts 20:32 “Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you
up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”