Blaze’s Pizza & Spaghetti House
Blaze’s Pizzeria and Spaghetti House will be open for one night only:
Saturday, March 24 from 5-7pm.
Please join us for pizza or spaghetti, salad, bread, drinks and dessert.
The proceeds will go to his family as he continues to fight this nasty cancer. Put this date on your calendar so you can support this wonderful family. Please see Amy if you are willing to be a waiter for one evening or help do dishes. All hands are needed to make this a success.
If you would like to volunteer at Blaze’s Pizzeria on March 24, please sign up on the sheets on the bulletin board across from the office. Even if you cannot make it that night, you can help prepare the night before or bake brownies.
Thank you for your support of Blaze and his family!