Preaching Series October 2021
Preaching Series
For the series on the biblical characteris- tics of a healthy and vibrant church, I have been borrowing heavily from Natu- ral Church Development (NCD). NCD bills itself as “A Guide to Eight Essential Qualities of Healthy Churches.”
Those eight characteristics are:
the Eight Key Characteristics contained within the Natural Church Development process. These characteristics include:
- Empowering Leadership
- Gift-oriented Ministry
- First Serve
- Good Stewards
- Passionate Spirituality
- Effective Structures
- Inspiring Worship Service
- Holistic Small Groups
- Need-oriented Evangelism
- Loving Relationships
These qualities are not only biblical but have been tested in studies for nearly thir- ty years on every continent. If you have missed a week, I encourage you to take the time to watch that service.
Please pray over these scriptures and topics as God speaks into the church here at St. John’s by His Word and by the Holy Spirit. Consider how each of these aspects are part of your own personal journey with the Lord.
Even more so, as the series comes to a close, please consider how you can help minister through your service in one or more of these areas. Creating an atmosphere where all these qualities are present and complementing one another will create a vibrant and healthy church where her members are flourishing and growing naturally as the Father intended and as the Holy Spirit guides.
Creating a Healthy Church sermon series
03 October
Scripture Psalm 119:65-72
James 1:2-12
Sermon Count It All Joy
Passionate Spirituality
10 October
Scripture Matthew 4:23-25
Matthew 9:35-38
Sermon Laboring Alongside Christ
Need-oriented Evangelism
17 October
Scripture Acts 6:1-7
Luke 10:1-12
Sermon Organized for Success
Functional Structures
24 October
Scripture Acts 2:42-47
Matthew 18:15-20
Sermon Home for the Heart
Holistic Small Groups
31 October Conclusion
Scripture Revelation 14:14-16
Mark 4:26-29 (related to 4:1-20)
Sermon Only a Good Farmer