St. John’s Family Ministry
We’re looking forward to Valentine’s Day, Super Bowl Sunday, and (more than anything else) a great month or ministry with you and your family!
Here are a few things coming up in our ministry…
February 15th– Valentines Party, Wednesday Group
February 19th– Hardin County Collective Bowling @Hillcrest Lanes 4-6 PM February 22nd—No Wednesday Night due to Ash Wednesday Service
Wednesday Night – Kindergarten – 5th grade is finishing up their series from Matthew on Je- sus’ teachings. We have the whole group broken into 3 groups. We have a class for K-3rd, 4th&5th, and then Youth 6th-12th. The smaller class size helps keep things under control. We have had a steady count of a little over 20 students each Wednesday. The Youth have started a 4 week study from the prophets and gospels on justice.
Hardin County Collective – We had a blast for the overnight 24 hour mission. The Youth traveled to Kenton Nursing & Rehab and visited with the residents and handed out window clings. We also got to sing for them! Back here at the Church we built bed and made blankets for the Silent Night Bed Ministry. Sunday morning, we did meal packing. It was a great mission of doing God’s work and sharing His love with others.
Sunday School – This month we will have Sunday School on the 5th & 26th, so the first and last Sunday of the month.
For those asking and wondering… Yes, I went to Orlando, Florida this past month to the Chil- dren’s Pastors Conference. Thank you to council for approving my trip. This conference was way more than I thought it was going to be. You could feel God’s presence as soon as your en- tered the building. My classes I attended gave me a lot of things to step back and think about and a lot of good resources to better our ministry here at St. John’s. I met new friends, all the way from Texas and California. The biggest thing was hearing about other ministries and find- ing out we are all in the same boat together. There are others who go through the highs and lows with me, and to know that they are praying for our ministry, so far away, yet seem so near.
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
Galatians 6:9-10
Please feel free to come talk to me if you have any ideas, questions, or concerns. We can only better this ministry if we work together.
Many Blessings to you all this month,
Volunteers NEEDED
Wednesdays- We have separated into 2 classrooms!! YAY!! We have a class for kindergarten-3rd grade and then we have 4th-12th next door. We would love to separate into 3 classes. We have the teachers, but we need more volunteers to be present in the classroom to follow safe sanctuary procedure. Please consider coming to just share the love of Jesus with these kiddos!
Nursery & Jr. Church News
The Nursery is now open during Sunday services for Children Infant – Kindergarten
Jr. Church will be the 2nd and Last Sunday of each month. Children that are K- grade 5 are eligible to go to Jr. Church following the children’s sermon on those weeks.
Drivers needed for Sunday mornings
We would like to provide transportation for adults and kids to church on Sundays by either the church van or carpool. Please contact the church office if you are able to volunteer.