About Us
Welcome to St. John’s Kenton, Ohio. We hope you take the time to browse our website and get to know us.
St. John’s is a body of Christ Believers who have Joined The Journey. Part of our body worships in a contemporary way while the other part of our body worships in a traditional way. Together, the body of Christ at St. John’s serves the community of Kenton, Ohio and other folks around the world. We have Joined The Journey to be the servants God has called us to be.
Worship on Sunday Mornings 8:30 am (Contemporary Service) & 10:30 am (Traditional Service)
Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you” (Matthew 28:19-20).
St. John’s Church exists to lead people into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
KNOW Jesus and worship Him.
GROW with each other and the body of Christ.
SERVE the church, the community, and the world.
As we gather to KNOW Jesus and encounter Biblical principles, our relationship with God is ignited; and our knowledge and understanding of him will grow.
As we GROW with one another in Life Groups, we can experience encouragement and accountability; increasing our connection with the body of Christ.
As we SERVE using the gifts God has given us to invest in the lives of others, we will grow in our compassion for God’s people and will strengthen our effectiveness in God’s work…and ultimately develop an increasing passion for Jesus as we experience all three.