VBS Volunteers
A list of volunteer spots are available on the bulletin board across from the church office.
Please prayerfully consider where you can help out. VBS is June 10-13 from 5:45 – 8 PM. Volunteer areas
are: greeters, registration, Bible story K-2, Bible Story 3-5, Games/crafts K-2, Games/crafts 3-5, Games K-2, Games 3-5, snack area in fellowship hall, kitchen, Bus Driver/rider, AV Tech, Opening & closing in sanctuary.
VBS Volunteer Meetings: Volunteers will have 4 meetings
to help prepare for VBS. If you cannot make all meetings,
that is fine. We just love you being able to volunteer.
May 9: 7-8 PM (Chapel) information & decorating ideas
June 3: 6-8 PM (Chapel) decorating church
June 5: 6-8 PM (Chapel) decorating church
June 7: 6-8 PM (Chapel) final preparations