Summer Bible Study 2019
I Am—Ego Eimi
The way He lived and the way He died pointed to the reality of who Jesus was as the centurion proclaimed. Jesus spoke of who He was. In the Gospel of John, He used the phrase “I AM” or “Ego Eimi” in the Greek to reveal who He was. This summer, we will walk through those passages in John and Revelation to see how Jesus spoke of Himself.
Ego eimi in Greek looks like
At the end of the study, we will ask, “Who is this Jesus?” How does this self-revelation of Christ impact who I proclaim Him to be? Can I proclaim with the centurion, “Truly this man was the Son of God”? If I do, how does that impact my walk with Him now and for eternity?
Please join the conversation on the following Wednesdays at 7 PM in our Chapel.
Bible Study Dates, Passages, and Focus
June 05 — John 6:22-71 “I am the bread of life”—John 6:35, 48
June 12 — No Bible Study—Vacation Bible School
June 19 — John 8:12-30 “I am the light of the world”—John 8:12; 9:5
26 June — John 10:1-10 “I am the door”—John 10:7
03 July — No Bible Study—enjoy the 4th
10 July — John 10:11-21 “I am the Good Shepherd”—John 10:11, 14
17 July — No Bible Study—Pastor Vacation
24 July — No Bible Study—Pastor Vacation
31 July — John 11:17-25 “I am the Resurrection and Life”—John 11:25
07 August — John 14:1-14 “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” —John 14:6
14 August — John 15:1-17 “I am the True Vine”—John 15:1, 5
21 August — Revelation 1:4-20; 21:1-8; 22:10-15 “I am the Alpha and Omega” —1:8 (17); 21:6; 22:13
28 August—John 6:60-71; 18:33-40 Who is this Jesus? John 8:48-59 “Before Abraham was, I AM” — John 8:58
Hope to see you at the study!
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Randall