Jesus Sends Us Out
Last month, this page contained a devotional about Jesus sending out the Twelve Apostles as told in Mark 6:7-13. Now, we need to consider where God may be sending us to embody the love of Jesus for this world.
Even before our mission trip was canceled, there had been conversations about focusing more on our local community. In Acts 1:8, Jesus commands the Disciples to minister locally, regionally, and all around the world. All are equally important, AND all true believers will be engaged in missions at some level, which should be hands on and personal.
Where is God sending us as a church and how? What ministry should define St John’s as move into a new chapter of our history?
To do this, we need to remember the Great Commandment which starts with loving God with our whole being. How shall we do that? What will worship look like for us? How shall we grow in our faith? What will feed our souls as we learn and grow together in faith and sanctification?
How will we love our neighbor as ourselves? This is the second part of the Great Commandment. How will we proclaim the Good News to all the world as we make disciples by teaching them of all that Jesus said and did? This is the Great Commission, which is governed by the Great Commandment. We need to be a people that attracts others into our community of faith. We need to be the people that others want to become in Christ.
We have mission funds remaining after completing the home in Guatemala. While we will continue to support missions in other lands and locally, we are turning our focus to efforts locally. These days are calling us—by the Holy Spirit—to invest our time and effort into our community.
For instance, committing to our bed ministry can be about so much more than building beds and drop- ping them off at a home. We can teach youth and adults basic carpentry. Engaging families can en- rich them far beyond providing beds for kids. We could adopt families and help to move them from a position of dependence or poverty to a place of self- sufficiency.
We could adopt a family in one of our recovery groups. Recent history teaches us that not everyone in recovery is willing and able to accept assistance, but we also have shining examples of those who are commit-ted to making a better life for them- selves and their families.
We are poised to help those who are willing by engaging them, walking with them, and supporting them on that long and difficult road. We can do that by helping to shoulder their burden. We can meet with them and mentor them. Hopefully soon, we will again be able to minister to their kids on Wednesday nights, but it will take a team of committed people.
It will take a whole church family with one mind and one heart—with its one head being that of Christ [Colossians 1:18]. The Head of our Church is telling us to go and to go together in humble service. May we be obedient together.